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Now, look at martha's diary and write about her daily routine. (составьте предложения, по типу: она встаёт в 7: 00; она обедает в 12: 00) wake up 7: 00 drive to school with mum 8: 00 have lunch 12: 00 leave school 3: 30 swim at pool 4: 00 do homework 6: 30 have dinner 8: 00 check email 9: 00 go to sleep 10: 00 25 !

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Ответы на вопрос:

martha always wakes up at seven o`clock

at eight o`clock she drives toschool with her mum

at twelve o`clock she always has lunch

she leaves school at half past three

at four o`clock martha swims at pool

at half past six she does her homework

at eight pm she has a dinner

at nine martha checks her email

at ten o`clock she goes to sleep

She wake up at 7 o’clock she drive to school with her mum at 8: 00 o’clock she have lunch at 12: 00 o’clock she leave school at 3: 30 o’clock she swim at pool at 4: 00 o’clock she do her homework at 6: 30 o’clock she check email at 9: 00 o’clock she go to sleep at 10: 00 o’clock


1. by 20i5, the number of cars on our roads will have been doubled - passive voice in future perfect -  .  к 2015 году количество машин на дорогах удвоится.

to double - инфинитив.

2. today people call the m 25 the biggest car park in europe. - active voice - present simple - сегодня люди называют трассу м25 самой большой автостоянкой в европе.

to call    - инфинитив.

3. in  both town and country, the greatest nuisance is always caused to those living, working and walking within the road's noise zone. - passive voice - present simple  -   как в городе, так и в деревне, причина самой большой неприятности всегда   вызвана теми, кто живёт, работает  и ходит в пределах шумовой зоны дороги. 

to cause - инфинитив.

4. the first artificially constructed roads were made in mountainous and forested country.  - passive voice - past simple -  первые искусственно построенные дороги были сделаны в гористой и покрытой лесами местности.

to make- инфинитив.

5. the underpasses in dusseldorf had been created attractive to pedestrians.  - passive voice in present perfect -  в дюсельдорфе были созданы туннели для пешеходов.  

to create - инфинитив.

6. cars are symbols of freedom, wealth and masculinity.    - active voice - present simple  -автомобили – символ свободы, богатства и мужественности.

to be - инфинитив.


как правильно ответить на вопрос?

have some cities found solutions to their traffic problems?

some of them have found solutions to their traffic problems. - потому что вопрос в present perfect, значит, и ответ в этом же времени

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