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Написать рассказ ответив на вопросы: увас есть братья и сестры ? как их зовут? они старше или младше вас? какие они? есть ли у вас бабушка и дедушка и сколько им лет? у вас есть двоюродные братья и сестры? часто ли вы видетесь?

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Hi ! my name is (пишете свое .имя). i have brother and sister.my brother's name is ivan(или пишете имя вашего брата)  , he's older than me by 5(года) years, and my sister called mary(пишете имя вашей сестры), she's younger than me by 2 (года)years.   they are very intersting and funny. i also have a cousin. and i rarely see for him.

my living room is so large. i love it, because i can do everything there. there are white walls, lots of diffrent paints.

my parents gave me presents - my new laptop and books.

all goods on my new workplace - red wood table.

two soft gaming chairs   emphasize the interior. and of course, horisontal bar on my wall helps me to be fit. when i open window, i can see wonderful landscape and house opposite.  

the air blows my room and makes me live beautifully..

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