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Употребите предложения в the past perfect tense.переведите предложения. 1.i did my homework yesterday(by 8 o'clock) 2.we went to the seaside(by the time he came) 3.the finished their experiment(by last monday) 4.i met the guests(before he came)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.i had done my homework yesterday by 8 o'clock. - я выполнил свое вчера к 8-ми часам. 2.we had gone to the seaside by the time he came. - мы уже ушли на побережье, когда он пришел. 3.they had finished their experiment by last monday. - они завершили свой эксперимент в прошлый понедельник. 4.i had met the guests before he came.- я встретил гостей, прежде чем он пришел.

1. i had done my homework by 8 o'clock yesterday. я сделал работу к 8 часам вчера.

2. we had gone to the seaside by the time he came. мы уже уехали на море, к тому времени, как он пришёл.

3. they had finished their experiment by last monday. они закончили свой эксперимент к прошлому понедельнику.

4. i had met the guests before he came. я встретил гостей, до того, как он пришёл.

1. he works in the centre of the city. 2. i am writing an exercise now. 3. do  you go to school on saturdays? 4. we don't dance every day. 5. are  they playing in the room now?   6. where does  he live? - he lives in a village. 7. is he sleeping now? 8. they read many books. 9. the children are eating soup now. 10. he helps his mother every day. 11. do  you play  the piano well? 12. look! kate is dancing now

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