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С, . 7. заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей степени сравнения: 1. she was (boring) person at the party and i sat next to her all evening. it was awful. 2. the exam was quite difficult – (difficult) than we expected. 3. it was an awful day. it was (bad) day of my life. 4. he is obviously (interested) in sport than i am. 5. which is … country in the uk? 6. what is (near) way to the don state technical university? 7. you are (lucky) person that i know.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she was (the most boring) person at the party and i sat next to her all evening. it was awful.

2. the exam was quite difficult – (more difficult) than we expected.

3. it was an awful day. it was (the worst) day of my life.

4. he is obviously (more interested) in sport than i am.

5. which is the biggest country in the uk?

6. what is (the nearest) way to the don state technical university?

7. you are (the luckiest person that i know.

1. the most boring 2.more difficult 3. the worst 4.more interested 5.the biggest (у тебя не написано прилагательное, поэтому пишу по смыслу) 6.the nearest 7. the luckiest

1.Abilkhan Kasteyev painted The Portrait of Zhambyl and Young Abai.

2.Mukhtar Auezov wrote Korgansyzdyn kuni in 1921

3.Gaziza Zhubanova became a professor in 1978

4.Abai Quananbaiuli translated poems by Pushkin, Byron and Lermontov.

5.Maghzan Jumabayev and Gabit Musrepov became famous writers.

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