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Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1. what can we do to reduce the (pollute) of the atmosphere? 2. the change in the climate has produced (disaster) floods. 3. millions of people in the world are threatened with (starve). 4. many countries must try and control the growth of the __ (populate). 5. many rare species are threatened with (extinct). 6. protecting the environment is essential to our (survive). 7. while some countries get richer, the (poor) in others gets worse. 8. many of the gases produced by factories are (harm) to our health. 9. the (protect) of the environment is everyone's responsibility. 10.exhaust fumes have (damage) effects on the environment.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1 pollution

2 disastrous

3 starvation

4 population

5 extinction

6 survival

7 poverty

8 harmful

9 protection

10 damaging

1. pollution


3. starvation

4. population

5. extinction






можешь быть во всём уверен кроме 2 ого это уже сам решай извини (а то может быть это не правильно : (   ) удачи!

1) when is jeff having a party on saturday .he is having a party at 5 p.m. 2) when is he meeting his friends at the rialway station? he is meeting his friends at 11p.m. 3) when is he leaving for st petersburg ? he is leaving for st petersburg at 11.30 p.m. 4) when is he arriving in st petersburg ? he is arriving in st petersburg on sunday .

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