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Умоляю ! 98 ! составьте вопросы к тексту из слов, расположенных не по порядку: 1. were/ the/when / extreme games / first / x games/ held / or ? 2. sport /which / is/an / extreme /event/olympic? 3. are /two / what / forms / main/ of /bmx? 4. who/roller / invented / skates? 5. come /did /out /when /first/the /bmx magazine? откройте скобки и поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную или превосходную степень: 1. what is the (bad) transportation problem in your city? 2. water parks are ) than leisure centers but they provide value for money if you stay long enough. 3. when is the (crowded) time to travel? 4. we’ve been living abroad for the last ten years, even (long) than that and now we want to settle back here. 5. the (fast) way to travel between the places in st.petersburg is by underground. 6. i tried to speak even (slowly) but he could not understand me. 7. is it (easy) to go around by car or on foot? 8. what sight did you enjoy the (much)? вставьте необходимую форму глагола: 1. my husband (to be) in london at the moment. he (to stay) at the savoy hotel. he normally (to stay) there when he is in london. 2. my boss is a very quiet person, but yesterday he (to lose) his patience. 3. i (to work) in the garden after breakfast, when the postman (to ring) the doorbell. 4. i (to have) three jobs since i (to leave) school. 5. last year my parents (to stay) at home during their holidays. 6. my mother (not to smoke) for two months.

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Ответы на вопрос:

when were the extreme games or x games first held?

which olympic sport is an extreme event?

what two forms of bmx are main?

who has invented roller skates?

when did the first bmx magazine come out?


more expensive

most crowded



more slowly




is, is staying, stays


was working,rang

had,had left

were staying

hasn't been smoking


                                                "my favorite tv show"

my favorite tv show is "comedy ckub". because people show a lot of funnies jokes or situations. also this tv show know in many countries such as: russia, kazakhstan, ukrain, azerbaijan, america and so end. in this tv show i like all humorists which play there! because they can do this so that people laugh. and also they joke to different thems. for example: situation at the school, or about some actors, about some workers etc. so this show spred almost all over the world. and i want   to say i like this show very much, and i think that this show will live else for a long !  


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