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They go to school every day/ she always helps her mother - разобрать по типам вопросов.

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Ответы на вопрос:

do they go to school every day? общий вопрос

who goes to school every day? they go. вопрос к подлежащему

do they go to school or university every day? альтернативный

where do they go every day? специальный вопрос

they go to school every day, don't they? разделительный вопрос

whom does she always help? специальный

does she always help her mother? общий

who always helps her mother? к подлежащему

she always helps her mother, doesn't she? разделительный

she always helps her mother or best friend? альтернативный

2.  gas consists of a number of particles moving at a tremendous speed.  a)  правое определение

3.  while melting the snow keeps the same temperature.  d)  обстоятельство. 

5.  being started in time, the preparations for the test are over.  d)  обстоятельство. 

1.  the question being too difficult, no one could answer it.  c)  независимый причастный оборот;  



7.  an electronic computer forms a complex device when viewed as a whole.    d)  обстоятельство

  4.  operating characteristics of goods are usually given in graphical forms.b)  левое определение (действительный залог);  




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