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Простое .вставить предложенные слова. put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below. widow, stepchildren, fiancй, brother, widower, name, younger, close, spinster, get married, cousins, bachelor, stepmother, distant. my is tom smiles. i’m the eldest of all the children. my second is jack. the youngest is michael. my sister is two years younger than me. some time ago she got engaged. her is mr. brown. they are going to next month. i have many relatives. my grandparents are dead. but i have a number of and relatives: two uncles, four aunts and about a dozen cousins. one of my has lost her husband. she is a . an uncle of mine has been a for many years, but he married recently. his wife is very kind to his and treats them as a real mother would do. they love and respect their . my second aunt has remained unmarried and therefore she is what the english call a or a single lady. an uncle of mine has also remained single. he is an old .вставить слова из предложенных выше..

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Ответы на вопрос:

name, brother, younger, fiancy, get married, close and distant, cousins, widow, widower, stepchildren, stepmother, spinster, barchelor

1)you must divide your report into three chapters. - your report must be divided into 3 chapters 

2)she told the inspector about the robbery. - the inspector was told by her about the robbery  

3)my father was painting the walls yesterday at 7 o'clock. - the walls were being painted by my farther yesterday at 7 o'clock 

4)the fire has caused considerable damage. - considerable damage has been caused by fire

  5)you will receive the paper tomorrow. - the paper will be recieved by you tomorrow 

6)she didn't send me any parcels. - parcels were not sent by her 

7)how much did they pay you? -  how much were you paid?

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