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По 30 exercise 1. fill in the gaps with the following phrases: memorable, predictions, symbolize, scripts, purpose, previous, interpret when we fall asleep, our brains invent incredibly realistic and (1) dreams. sometimes those dreams are dark and terrifying, making falling asleep something to fear. why do we dream? do dreams have a (2) when the brain is asleep it's inundated by impulses and senses and experiences, and the brain puts them together. a necessary function of sleep is to consolidate the information that was gathered in the (3) day and even in the more distant past, into coherent, long-term memories that get stored for later use. that's what dreams are. dr. gerber explained that the general scientific theory is that “every night when we sleep our brains are consolidating what we should remember and letting go what we don’t.” people's dreams have various (4) but there are some common themes. for example most people dream about flying, being chased, falling or not being able to move. people have always sought meaning in dreams and considered them to be ( of the future. there are a lot of books trying to (6) our dreams and to explain what the future holds. so if we dream about being chased, we are running away from something in real life. a dream about crossroads symbolizes that soon we will have to make an important decision about business or love. finding money may (7) a birth. crossing a river means a fundamental change of lifestyle. dreaming about a rainbow predicts good news. exercise 2. read the sentences below and choose the correct answer in brackets. i (used to / would) get free milk at school when i was a boy. it (used to / would) be very hot in summer at that time. he (used to / would) give her a lift to work in the days before she passed her test. there (used to / would) be a lot of fun around here in the old days. france (used to / would) be a monarchy but now it’s a republic. i (used to / would) live alone when i was a student. i (used to / would) like going to pop concerts when i was a teenager. my father didn’t know that we (used to / would) borrow his car when he was at work. when the weather was good, we (used to / would) go walking in the countryside. the children (used to / would) stand up when an adult came into the class in the old days.

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Ответы на вопрос:

exercise 1.

1 memorable

2 purpose

3 previous

4 scripts

5 predictions

6 interpret

7 symbolize

exercise 2.

i used to get free milk at school when i was a boy.

it used to be very hot in summer at that time.

he would give her a lift to work in the days before she passed her test.

there used to be a lot of fun around here in the old days.

france used to be a monarchy but now it’s a republic.

i would live alone when i was a student.

i used to like going to pop concerts when i was a teenager.

my father didn’t know that we would borrow his car when he was at work.

when the weather was good, we would go walking in the countryside.

the children used to stand up when an adult came into the class in the old days.

Ello i will tell about the tremendous birthday. in the morning i got up early and was joyful, after all it is my birthday! ! ! i washed and позавтракаля. mother met me in kitchen, gently kissed on a cheek and told me that i am year more senior. her father picked up. parents presented to me a tremendous gift! ! closer by a dinner i put on a dress and to me made a hairdress. my friends came. gifts were super! i had such smart and cheerful holiday! ! !

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