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Составить 10 предложений в past continuos tense(to be(was,were)+ving)

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i was doing my homework. my mother was cooking dinner. tanya i lena were playing in the living room. it was raining. the weather was not improving. the neighbors were moving out. the postman was delivering mail. the store was closing. i was watching tv. my dad was fixing the sink.

sally was reading a book when the doorbell rang. – сэлли читала книгу, когда в зазвонил звонок.

the children were playing football all day long in the yard. – дети весь день играли в футбол во дворе.

between 2 and 3 p.m. o’clock emily was cooking a dinner. – между 2 и 3 часами дня эмили готовила обед.

i was watching tv while he was doing his homework. – я смотрела телевизор пока он делал .

they were walking along the seaside from 8 to 10 yesterday. – они гуляли по набережной с 8 до 10 часов вчера.

we were drinking some coffee when boss called for us. – мы пили кофе когда начальник позвал нас.

she was constantly talking with somebody. – она постоянно болтала с кем-то.

1. what does it mean? 2. не меняем 3. не меняем 4. may i borrow  5. is it correct? (is it so? ) 6. may i go out 7. how do you spell this word? 8. how do you say it in english?

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