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Надо ,! выберите один правильный вариант ответа. 1. which is …: the united states or canada? a) large b) larger c) the largest d) largest 2. the london underground is … in the world. a) more old b) older c) the oldest d) the most old 3. the rivers in america are much … than those in england. a) bigger b) big c) more big d) biger 4. this is … view i have ever seen in my life. a) more beautiful b) beautiful c) the beautifulest d) the most beautiful 5. it is not … today as it was yesterday. a) as cold b) so cold c) cold d) colder 6. she speaks italian …than english. a) better b) best c) the best d) good 7. my sister speaks english … than i do. a) badder b) worse c) bad d) the worst 8. chinese is … than english. a) the most difficult b) difficultest c) difficulter d) more difficult 9. my father … a teacher. a) is b) be c) are d) were 10. i … a doctor when i grow up. a) was b) shall be c) am d) were 11. … your aunt a doctor? a) are b) will c) were d) is 12. when i come home tomorrow, all my family … at home. a) will be b) was c) is d) shall be 13. where … you yesterday? a) was b) were c) will be d) are 14. where … your books now? a) are b) is c) were d) was 15. we … late for institute yesterday. a) are b) were c) shall be d) was 16. … she ill last week? a) was b) is c) were d) will be 17. he … a new flat next week. a) has b) had c) have d) will have 18. they … a famous battle in 1812. a) had b) have c) haved d) has 19. we … many good friends in london. a) had b) had got c) has d) have got 20. she has got much work on saturday, …? a) hasn’t she b) doesn’t she c) hasshe d) didn’t she

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. b) larger

2. c) the oldest

3. a) bigger

4. d) the most beautiful

5. a) as cold b) so cold

6. a) better

7. b) worse

8. d) more difficult

9. a) is

10. b) shall be

11. d) is

12. a) will be

13. b) were

14. a) are

15. b) were

16. a) was

17. d) will have

18. a) had

19. d) have got

20. a) hasn’t she

1) b

2) c

3) a

4) d

5)   b

6)   a

7) b

8) d

9) a

10) a

11) d

12) a

13) b

14) a


16) a

17) d

18) a

19) d

20) a








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