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once upon a time there lived a wealthy merchant and his three daughters.

one day, the father was to go to a far-off place and he asked his daughters what they wanted on his return. the first and the second daughter asked for lovely dresses. but the third daughter, whose name was beauty, said, “father, i only need a rose plucked by your hand.” the merchant, on his way back, had to cross through the deep forest. it was dark and the merchant tried to find a place to sleep. he suddenly found a huge castle and went inside to find nobody. there was a huge table with delicious food and he ate it all. then the merchant went into the bedroom and slept on a soft and fluffy bed. the next day, too, the merchant did not find anyone in the castle. he saw a beautiful rose bush growing in the lawn and remembered beauty’s gift. he plucked a red rose from the bush.

suddenly, a ferocious looking beast sprang out of the bush. he was wearing fine silk clothes and roared, “i gave you food and a bed to sleep in! and now, you are stealing my roses! ” the merchant was frightened and told the beast about beauty’s gift. the beast decided to let him go only if he promised to send beauty to this castle. the merchant agreed and ran back home. he cried and told his daughters about the beast. but beauty loved her father a lot and agreed to go stay with the beast.

the beast treated beauty with a lot of kindness. he was never rude to her. he let her stay in the biggest room and let her roam in the beautiful garden. beauty would sit near the fireplace and sew while the beast kept her company. at first, beauty was afraid of the beast but slowly, she began to like him.

one day, the beast asked beauty to marry him, but she refused. she was still afraid of his fearful-looking face. the beast still treated her kindly and with a lot of love. beauty missed her father a lot. the beast gave her a magic mirror and said, “look at the mirror and you can see your family. now you won’t feel lonely anymore.

one day, beauty looked in the mirror and saw that father was very ill and dying. she went to the beast and pleaded and cried, “please let me go home! i only want to see my father before he dies! ” but the beast roared, “no! you promised you would never leave this castle! ” saying this, he stormed out of the room. but after some time, he came to beauty and said, “you may go to stay with your father for seven days. but you must promise to return after that.” beauty was very happy and agreed. then she left and went to stay with her father. her father, on seeing beauty, felt very happy and soon recovered. beauty stayed with her family for seven days and more. she forgot the beast and his castle. but one night, she had a terrible nightmare in which she saw the beast was very ill and about to die. he was crying, “beauty, please come back! ”

beauty woke up and went back to the castle because she did not mean to hurt the beast. she cried and said, “please don’t die, beast! i will live with you forever! ” the beast miraculously changed into a handsome prince. he said, “i was under a curse all these years and could only be relieved when someone fell in love with me. i am now cured of the curse because you truly love me.” and then, beauty and the beast were married and together they lived happily ever after.


days of the week        monday - monday        tuesday - tuesday        wednesday - wednesday        thursday - thursday        friday - friday        saturday - saturday        sunday - sunday        the names of days in the table is not specifically enumerated as in england, the usa, canada and many other countries, the first day of the week is not monday, as we used to think, and sunday. that is, the week starts with a day off and ends the same weekend. at the same time monday-friday are working days.        another distinguishing feature - is that the days of the week in the english language are proper names, and therefore are always written with capital letters. even in the case of the reduced form ..        i would like to know whence came the name of the english days of the week? read more ..        sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday and proiskhodzhenie.        the gods worshiped by the british, saxon ancestors were quite numerous, but those that have received the names of the days of the week, were the chief objects of their worship.        god of the sun (sun)        this idol, representing the day-star, was the chief god. he is depicted as a man, holding in his outstretched hands the burning circle. in a sign of special reverence for the deity of the ancient saxons that he dedicated the first day of the week, which they called "san'z money." hence the modern sunday - sunday.        goddess of the moon (moon)        she was considered the next most senior and revered in the second day of the week, called "mun'z money." hence, the current monday - monday. this goddess was depicted wearing a short dress with a hood, which had long ears.        god tyusko        tyusko first revered as the father and the first representative of the teutonic race, but then he became worshiped as the son of the earth. the images of this - a venerable sage with a scepter in his right hand, clad in animal skin. at the saxons it was dedicated to the third day of the week, called first "tyusko'z money," which in modern english transformed into tuesday - on tuesday.        god vouden (as wotan or odin)        wotan, or odin, was the supreme deity of the northern nations. this hero of the legends came from somewhere in the east, but do not know from which country and when exactly. his exploits make up a large part of the mythological stories of ancient peoples, and so exaggerated that are beyond the probable. in honor of this deity was called the fourth day of the week - "vouden'z money" in the modern pronunciation of wednesday - wednesday.        god thor        tor - the senior and the most valiant son of odin and phrygia. at the saxons and the danes, he was honored above all after his parents. he is dedicated to the fifth day of the week - "tor'z money" in modern english - thursday, thursday. he is depicted seated on a throne with a golden crown on his head, adorned with a ring of twelve stars shining, and with a scepter in his right hand.        goddess of phrygia, and freya        frigo, or freya, the wife of odin, venerated above all after a saxon, danish and other pagans of the north. in the most ancient times it was known as herta and was considered the goddess of the earth. she was devoted to the sixth day of the week, called in the saxons' friga'z money ", which corresponds to the present friday - friday. frigo was depicted with a sword in his right hand and a bow in his left.        god siter        siter depicted standing on a sharp razor back bass, as on a pedestal, with his head uncovered. in his left hand he holds the wheel and the right - a bucket of water, which contains the flowers and fruits. he wore a long dress, and girt with a rope. the name given to the day, "siter'z money", in modified form saturday - saturday survived to the present day.

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