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Надо сделать текст в настоящем времени the weather in england can change very quickly. one day last week i went for a walk in the country. when i started early in the morning the weather was beautiful. the sun was shining, the sky was blue and there were no clouds at all. in the middle of the morning a sudden change came. a cool wind started to blow, black clouds covered the sun and in a very short time it started to rain heavily. there were no houses in sight and i had no coat with me. so i got very wet indeed and very cold too. after about an hour i managed to catch a bus which took me home. but when i arrived i was shivering and sneezing and i've had a cold ever since. we sometimes say that england is the only country where you can have four seasons in one day.

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the weather in england is very changeable. today i am going for a walk in the country. now i can see that the weather is beautiful. i am already outside. the sun is shining, the sky is blue and there are no clouds at all. i feel like the weather is chabgicg already. a cool wind starts to blow, black clouds are covering the sun and in a very short time it is going to rain heavily. i have no idea where to go because there is no houses in sight and i have no coat with me. i am very wet indeed and very cold too. i can catch a bus which is going to take me home. i am at home now. i am shivering and sneezing and i am having a cold. we sometimes say that england is the only country where you can have four seasons in one day.

Отправиться в кругосветное путешествие. братья пошли через лес. они шли долго и вдруг им встретились две дороги. братья долго спорили куда им пойти и решили идти прямо. в тени деревьев заметили два зеленых глаза. они закричали и побежали в сторону. вдруг братья наткнулись на дом лесника. они сказали леснику, что видели огромное чудище с большими зелеными глазами. лесник был добрый и решил . он взял ружье и побежал к тому месту. и мужчина не испугался, подошел поближе и увидел маленького котенка . он сказал "вот ваше чудище с зелеными глазами" и все засмеялись. решили отправиться домой, а лесник сжалился над котенком и взял его к себе. так и закончилось кругосветное путешествие двух братьев. to travel round the world. they went through the forest. they were long and suddenly they met two roads. brothers arguing where to go and decided to go straight. in the shade of the trees guys noticed two green eyes. they screamed and ran away. suddenly the brothers came across the house of the forester. they said the forester, which saw a huge monster with big green eyes. the forester was good and decided to help the guys. he took the gun and ran to the site. and the man was not afraid, drew near, and saw a small kitten . he said, "here's your monster with green eyes" and they all laughed. the guys decided to go home, and the forester had pity on the kitten and took him to himself. and ended around-the-world journey of two brothers.

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