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61 don’t forget to switch the tv when you go to bed. a out b on c off d down 62 if you want to use e-mail, this icon. a up b on c out d to 63 what are you going to tonight? a doing b do c does d did 64 we stay in an expensive hotel. a going b are going c go d is going 65 i to do any work tonight. a not going b aren’t going c don’t go d am not going 66 we mustn’t late. my mum is waiting. a be b being c – d to be 67 do anything tomorrow. it’s a holiday. a mustn’t b don’t have to c haven’t got d don’t have 68 don’t forget to your swimsuit when you go on holiday. a book b pack c stay d travel 69 you should careful at night. it’s dangerous in the dark. a – b to be c being d be 70 he work so hard. he needs to relax. a should b shouldn’t c must d doesn’t have to 71 your homework yet? a did you b you did c you have done d have you done 72 we to america last year. a have been b did go c have gone d went 73 she to school yesterday. a didn’t go b hasn’t come c doesn’t go d hasn’t gone 74 where’s paul? he’s to the shops. a been b went c go d gone 75 they haven’t finished their dinner a just b yet c already d ever 76 quick, sit down. the film has started. a ever b yet c just d never 77 i’ve only been here one day and i’ve met some really nice people. a ever b yet c just d already 78 has she ever failed an exam? no, she a hasn’t b haven’t c didn’t d hasn’t failed 79 do you often sailing? a play b do c – d go 80 they won two matches but they couldn’t england in the final. a win b won c beat d beaten 81 london is on river thames. a – b a c the d that 82 cornwall is in of england. a south-west b the south-west c the west-south d west-south 83 have you ever been to africa? a an b a c the d – 84 how many people in your class? a there are b be there c is there d are there 85 the first man on the moon? a who was b who did c what was d who were 86 the number 38 bus go? to the station. a when does b who does c what does d where does 87 the today is 38 degrees. a temperature b hot c weather d season 88 one day i will rich. a – b be c being d to be 89 she will pass her driving test. a ever b don’t c won’t d never 90 the world get cleaner. a don’t b isn’t c won’t d hasn’t 91 will you move to another country? no, i . a will b don’t c won’t move d won’t 92 i’ll have a job three years’ time. a at b by c in d for 93 will you finish your work next saturday? a in b by c at d to 94 pandas and whales are both animals. a dangerous b endangered c danger d dangerously 95 she can sing very . a more beautiful b beautiful c beautifully d more beautifully 96 he’s a very driver. a safe b safely c safety d more safe 97 our teacher speaks really a quiet b quietly c too quiet d more quiet 98 you drive too . a very fast b faster c the fastest d fast 99 cars and factories the air. a protect b save c waste d pollute 100 don’t throw that old paper in the bin. you should it. a recycle b waste c protect d save

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ай синг лол мо фак но андестенд ми

"i love chocolate, and live without him i can not! "

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