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Пеоеведите на язык, а: как ты думаешь, что нам следует подарить маме на 8 марта? в: мы можем подарить ей красивое украшение. а: да ,это хорошая идея. маме нравится украшения, но я думаю что это будет дорого для нас в: да об этом я не подумала,а какие у тебя варианты ? а: я думаю, что мы можем подарить ей букет цветов. ей нравятся розы! в: звучит заманчиво, но мы дарим цветы матери каждый год,это так скучно а: ты права. так что же мы подарим ей? в: а что ты думаешь о шарфе и перчатках? а: я думаю что весна уже наступила и довольно тепло на улице. как насчет билетов в театр ? в: замечательная идея! мама любит театр а: ок,пойду за билетами

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Ответы на вопрос:

a: what do you think we should give mom on the eight of march?

b: we can give her a beautiful jewerly.

a: yes, that's a good idea. mom likes jewerly buy i think it will be very expensive for us.

b: yes, i didn't think about it. what are your version?

a: i think that we can give her a bouquet of flowers. she likes roses!

b: sonds interesting but we give mom flowers every year, it's so boring.

a: you're right. so what shall we give her?

b: what do you think about the scarf and gloves?

a: i think that spring has come and it's quite warm outside. what about theater tickets?

b: great idea! mom loves theater.

a: ok, go for tickets.

A: what do you think that we should give mom on march 8? b: we can give her a beautiful decoration. a: yes, this is a good idea. mom likes jewelry, but i think it will be very expensive for us b: i didn’t think about it, what are your options? a: i think we can give her a bouquet of flowers. she likes roses! b: it sounds tempting, but we give mother flowers every year, it's so boring. a: you are right. so what do we give her? b: what do you think about the scarf and gloves? a: i think that spring has come and it's quite warm outside. what about theater tickets? b: great idea! mom loves theater a: ok, i'll go for tickets.

cats pets animal.

they eat a forage. lovely cats.

foxes wild animals.

they eat meat.

they live in the woods.

wolves wild animals.

live in the woods.

people are afraid of them.

bears big animals.

they pisatsya by meat.

they aren't on friendly terms with other animals.

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