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Gama (gama), vasco da (1469-1524), portuguese navigator. in 1497-1499 sailed from lisbon to india around africa, and back, for the first time paving the sea route from europe to south africa. asia. in 1502-1503 and 1524 made 2 voyage to india.gama (da gama), vasco da (1469, синиш, portugal - december 24, 1524, cochin, india), portuguese explorer, discoverer of the sea route around africa to india.the first expeditionyoung courtier of noble origin, a daredevil vasco da gama headed in 1497 the first expedition of three ships («san gabriel», «san rafael» and «берриу») and a transport ship, which had equipped a king of portugal for the opening of the sea route from europe to india. the crew of vessels totaled approx 170 people.going on 8 july in lisbon, after four months of swimming portuguese stopped in the bay of saint-хелина, making sure that over 4,200 km no significant land and large islands.

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Популярно: Английский язык