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Ответьте на ! (можно про своего )! 1. where and when did you begin learning english? 2.who was your first english teacher? what can you remember about you first english classes? 3.what do you find most interesting (most useful and effective; most amusing) about learning english? 4.do you read anything in english? have you read any english books up to the end? what were the books? did you find them difficult? 5.do you think reading in english is useful? in what way? do you use dictionaries to look up words you don't know? what do you prefer : to read stories in easy english or to have difficult texts for reading? why? 6.what is the easiest way for you to learn new words? how many new words can you learn at a time? do you learn new words in isolation or in context? 7.do you like grammar drills? do you find them important ? easy? difficult? useless? boring? do you think you have too many grammar drills at school? do you agree that you must learn grammar in any language? 8.do you think correct pronunciation and intonation are important in learning english? how can wrong pronunciation and intonation lead you to misunderstanding ? do you think the same is true about learning russian? 9.while learning a language you learn to listen and understand what you hear , you learn to write , to and to . how can you complete this sentence? 10.what do you and your friends find most difficult about learning english? what are your strong and weak points? 11.how are you planning to use english in future?

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1.            i began learning english at school when i was about 10 years old. 2.            my first english teacher was [имя учителя]. as for my first english classes, they were really interesting and exciting. 3.            i think that speaking a language is the most exciting thing about learning it. it is great when you start feeling confident when you try to use the language. 4.            well, i’ve read some adapted books such as jane eyre and twilight up to the end. i found it a little bit difficult to read them but i’m trying to do my best to learn how to read   books in the original. 5.            reading is an important part of learning any foreign language so it’s necessary to read as much as possible. when you read something, you should write down some unfamiliar words and then study them thoroughly. i prefer reading stories in easy english because i think i’m not ready to read original texts. 6.            i prefer writing out the words i don’t know from the texts i read. i can write out and learn about 15 words at a time. after i have learnt some new words i try to find then in context and use them as much as possible. 7.            it’s undoubtedly true that grammar is the most important part of learning any foreign language. personally i feel that grammar can be difficult sometimes but i try to learn it. 8.            pronunciation plays a great role in english. if you have learn any new word you have to learn how to pronounce it. otherwise it can lead to some uncomfortable situations. 9.            speak and to communicate with other people. 10.    my friends think that it’s difficult to learn grammar. but i believe that learning grammar is not very hard, i think it’s my strong point about learning english. my weak point is learning phrasal verbs and idioms. 11.    i’m planning to travel a lot so knowing a foreign language will help me a lot. 


Ukraine is a sovereign state; its independence was proclaimed in 1991. Ukraine is situated in the east of Europe. The territory of Ukraine is 603 700 square kilometres. Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. It’s washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and has very important ports. Ukraine is larger than France and Great Britain but considerably smaller than Russia. 5% of Ukraine’s territory is mountainous; the rest part of the Ukrainian area is flat. Ukraine has the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains. The Carpathians is the natural mountainous boundary of Ukraine. They are covered with mixed forests of pine, fir, beech and oak trees. There are the thickest forests in Volyn, which are part of the famous Byelovezhskaya Puscha.

The Dnieper is the main river of the country; moreover, it’s the third longest river in Europe. Such rivers as the Dniester, the Danube, the Southern Bug and the Seversky Donets are also important.

The population of our country is about 46 million people. Besides Ukrainians the representatives of many other nationalities live there: Russians, Jews, Belarusians, Moldavians, Romanians, Greeks, Tatars, Poles, Armenians, Germans, Gypsies and other ethnic minorities. They contributed to Ukraine’s culture and history.

The biggest cities of Ukraine are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk, Odessa, Mykolaiv and others.

Ukraine is developed industrial and agricultural country. It’s rich in iron ore, coal, natural gas, oil, salt and other mineral resources. Ukraine has such branches of industry as metallurgy, machine-building, power industry, chemical industry and agriculture. Scientists of Ukraine make their contributions of important discoveries and inventions to the world science.

Ukraine has a rich historical and cultural heritage. There are many higher educational establishments, theatres, libraries, museums, art galleries in Ukraine. It’s also famous for many outstanding writers, poets and musicians.

Ukraine is a member of the United Nation Organization and takes part in the work of many international organizations.


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