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Описать друга, родственника what does he,she look like? ,whats he, she like?

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my friend is an interesting and clever person. he's well known among our school. he has a strong body, blue eyes, short hair and big shoulders. he really looks excellently and attractively

my friend is going to different circles during this time, he is a clever person

1.  the jacksons have got a house not far from (the)  history museum.2.  walls (in) my room are green.3.do you have (the)  same book? 4.when (did) they (go) to the history museum? 5.he (is)  going to visit the history museum. 6.are you going (to)  play tennis next sunday? 7.there is (a) bus stop near mr carter`s office. 8.(there) is  a bookshop near our school. 9.next year (there) will be a bookshop near our school. 10.next year she will (be) ten

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