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Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the gap pythagoras was a 15) (philosophy) born on the aegean island of samos. he was known as a great 16) (mathematics) who has received 17) (admire) for over 2000 years. as a young man he travelled a lot and was 18) (great) influenced by some 19) (remark) ideas he came across in egypt and babylon. over time, he made 20) (extend) mathematical 21) (investigate) , which included "pythagoras' theorem" , a great 22) (discover) stating that the square of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares. in 23) (add), pythagoras was one of the earliest 24) (science) to suggest that the earth was a sphere 25) (revolve) around a central fire. without doubt, his 26) (contribute) to the scientific world will always be acknowledged.

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Ответы на вопрос:

15. philosopher

16. mathematician

17. admiration

18. я не знаю

19. remarkable

20. extended

21. investigation

22. discovery

23. addition

24. scientist

25. revolved

26. contribution

Thank you for the letter, i was really glad to recieve this letter from you. you interested which responsibilities i have in my house,so let me tell them. to my mind,every teenager has his own responsibilities in his house,except homework. for example,my responsibilities include washing floor and dishes, taking care about rabbit. also i help my mom to cook dinner and supper. in your letter you told me about day when you're plant the trees, i'm really interested about how's it going. how long this event will go? are you going to go by yourself or with friends? which trees exactly you are going to plant? sorry, my mom calls me to help her with cooking supper.

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