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Заполните пропуски предлогами там, где это необходимо. 1. when did you return … home … the theatre? 2. there was a door … the end … the corridor. 3. is the metro station far … your house? 4. i sat down … a bench … the monument … columbus. 5. early … the morning many lorries passed … our houses. 6. one … our friends lives … this street, near … the bus stop. 7. we enjoyed … our life … the south. 8. would you like to join … us? 9. the children ran … the room … a great noise. 10. he asked the teacher many questions (whom? ) 11. we play football at a stadium (who? )

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Ответы на вопрос:

1at 2 at in 3 at 4 in at 5 in at 6 the in 7 at on 8 for 9 in at

1)the boy said he didn't want to wear uniform at school. 2)micheal said they were against introducing english as our third school-leaving exam the next year. 3)the students said the uniform would suppress their individuality. 4) pete asked his friend if he managed his time successfully. 5) the teacher asked jessica what knowledge she had gained in the summer school. 6) john asked his classmate what assignment the teacher had given them the day before. 7) the teacher asked us not to talk during the lesson.

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