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1. who (to knock) at the door? 2. look! victor (to dance) with helen. he (to dance) all modern dances very well. 3. i won’t go out now as it (to rain) and i (not to have) an umbrella. 4. the children are in the forest now. they (to gather) mushrooms. they always (to gather) mushrooms in summer. 5. turn off the gas. the water (to boil). water (to boil) at 100° c. 6. he usually (to speak) so quickly that i (not to understand) him. 7. why you (to walk) so fast today? you usually (to walk) quite slowly. — i (to hurry) because i (to meet) my mother at 5 o’clock and she (not to like) to be kept waiting. 8. you (to see) my car keys anywhere? — no, i (to look) for them but i (not to see) them. 9. you (to hear) the wind? it (to blow) very strongly tonight. 10. you (to recognize) that man? — i (to think) that i have seen him before but i (not to remember) his name. 11. i can’t hear what you (to say); the traffic (to make) too much noise. 12. mother (to rest) now. she always (to rest) after lunch.

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Ответы на вопрос:

who knock at the door?

1. knocked 2. is dancing, can dance 3. rain, have no 4. are gathering, gather 5. is boiling, boils 6. speaks, could not understand 7. walking, walk, am hurrying, have to meet, does not like 8. saw, looked, had not seen 9. heard, blew 10. recognized, think, can not remember 11. said, is making 12. is resting, resting

I live in a block of flats. My flat is on the fifth floor. There are three rooms in it. We have got a living room and two bedrooms. My favourite room is my bedroom. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony in our flat too. There is a lot of furniture in all the rooms: tables, chairs, armchairs, beds and sofas, wardrobes, bookcases and carpets. There are beautiful paintings on the walls. We have got a fridge and a cooker in the kitchen.

Я живу в многоквартирном доме. Моя квартира находится на пятом этаже. В ней три комнаты. У нас есть зал и две спальни. Моя любимая комната – это моя спальня. Еще в нашей квартире есть кухня, ванная и балкон. Во всех комнатах много мебели: столы, стулья, кресла, кровати и диваны, гардеробы, книжные шкафы и ковры. На стенах висят красивые картины. В кухне у нас есть холодильник и плита

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