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2. дополни предложения используя have, has i a pen and my sister ten pens. shimon two books, but his brother three books. the cats long tails. the pupil many books. tom one brother and sister. they one brother. you two sisters. grandmother and grandfather three grandchildren. i two chairs. spiders eight legs. my friends snakes as pets tom a big tractor. sharon two cousins

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 have,has

2 has,has

3 have

4 has

5 has

6 have

7 have

8 have

9 have

10 have

11 have

12 has

13 has

1) общий  are you still sleppeng? can you help me? would you like hot chocolate? 2) специальный who did you see yesterday? who did you buy that for? what are you reading? 3) с "хвостиком" he isn't ill, is he? she can't swim, can she? they can run, can't they? 4) альтернативный is he reading or writining? do you os does your brother help them? when will you do this work: today or tomorrow?

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