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Поставьте слова в скобках в правильную форму: computers and the internet have speeded up (communicate) and ordinary people now have access to (inform) that was once available to only a privileged few. however, technology also has a negative aspect. our planet is facing (destroy) because of global warming, (pollute) and over-population. we will all need to work together with the help of (science) and (politics) to save our planet and there is no doubt that new technologies will play a role in finding (solve).

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scientists(не уверен)

politicians(не уверен)


Например: я люблю когда мама готовит спагетти. у мамы получается вкусно. обычно я люблю спагетти есть на завтрак и на ужен . спагетти самое вкусное блюдо.     перевод very much love when mother cooks spaghetti. at mother it turns out very tasty. usually i love spaghetti is for breakfast and on is fished. spaghetti the most tasty dish.

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