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Яловлю мух каждый день. он ловит кроликов каждый год. почтальон приносит огромную посылку из лондона моей семье каждый месяц. я покупаю выпечку и колбасу и готовлю ужин каждый вечер. учитель становится злым когда он голодный. мои оценки по языку становятся лучше. нужно перевести эти предложения в обычную форму и выпросительную. !

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Icatch flies every day. he catches rabbits each year. postman brings a huge parcel from london to my family every month. i buy pastries and sausage and cook dinner every night. teacher gets angry when he is hungry. my grades in english are better. 

But in 2014 the catholic and orthodox easter is celebrated on 20 april.worship goes by the wayside and acquires commercial shade, but after catholics make the procession.easter for christians is one of the most important holidays.                                       great britain 46 days. less hard. adhere to strict fasting only on ash wednesdaygood friday and holy saturday. feast of the passover has no permanent calendar date and is celebrated in russia and great britain at different times. date of the celebration of easter is set in the                 gregorian calendar.one of the essential parts of the easter service is sanctification products.easter fire before the service kindle special easter candle - paschalis, the fire from which distribute to all believers, and then start the service. this candle is lit at all services easter week.                                              family holiday the main tradition - to give is not real, and chocolate eggs, as well as souvenirs in the form of easter eggs. also on easter decided to play the wedding and walk-in guests. and tinkering decorations for easter candles - a popular british family fun.                                          traditional dishes the main easter dish is baked stuffed lamb. and also on the holiday table should be cake eastersimnelcake, which is decorated with  marzipan symbolizing the 12 apostles of jesus christ, easter buns with a cross on top, by eating which people should remember the throes of christ and the cross - a symbol of his resurrection and colored eggs.                                             russia 40 days. tie, includes not only refraining from "fasting foods," but also from evil deeds, roughness, hardness, egoizma.osobenno strict in this regard is the last week before the holiday. date of the celebration of easter is set by the julian calendar. every year on holy saturday before easter orthodox waiting holy fire of the holy sepulchre in the church of the resurrection in jerusalem.russia has decided to give easter colored eggs and walk-in guests. with a take yaytso.posle painted greeting "christ is risen" - "truly he is risen" thrice kiss and present each other with eggs. this custom easter greeting eggs and bestowing a distinctive feature of russian easter. the main treats - colored eggs, easter cake and curd paskha.prazdnichnuyu meal should start with eating kulicha.a easter necessarily be in the form of a truncated pyramid.                                   symbols of easter in russia chicken - a symbol of family, loyalty and love for their children. my family paint eggs and bake the cake i love  easter

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