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my favourite superhero is iron man. his real name is tony stark. he is very smart, brave and funny. tony has an iron suit, which was constructed by himself.  iron man takes part in avengers team with hulk, captain america, thor and others. tony is a superhero because he saves the world a few times. watch this brilliant film!

мой любимый супергерой - железный человек. его настоящее имя - тони старк. он умен, отважен и весел. у тони есть железный костюм, который сконструировал он сам. железный человек - часть команды мстителей вместе с халком, капитаном америкой, тором и другими. тони - супергерой, потому что он спасал мир несколько раз. посмотрите этот шикарный фильм!

My favourite superhero is spider man. hes real name is piter parker.spider man is one of the first great films, which in each country children are trying to emulate. a bit about him , he fights against evil, defeating enemiels, leading their normal life , and don't forget to help your friends.

1) few
2) little
3) a few
4) a little
5)a few
6) a few
7) few
8) a little
9) a few

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