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2. выберите правильную видо-временную форму для следующих предложений. перепишите предложения и переведите их на язык. a) hurry up! everybody (is waiting / has waited / will be waiting) for you. b) i don't know where my brother is. (have you seen / had you seen / are you seeing) him? c) while i (am listening / was listening / had listened) to the radio, the telephone rang. d) as soon as i heard a cry, i ran out of the room and saw that a child (was lying / is lying / will be lying) on the ground and was crying. e) when i came home yesterday, the children (have run / had run / were running) and (have sung / had sung / were singing) merrily. f) kate gave me the book which she (will be buying / has bought / had bought) the day before. 9) the teacher understood that lena (hasn't done / wasn't doing / hadn't done) her homework. h) a strange man walked into the room. he (has worn / had worn / was weaning) red trousers and a pink shirt. i) i got up late that morning so when i arrived at the station, the train (was leaving / has left / had leff) already. j) if they start school at four, most children (are learning / have learnt / will have learnt) to read and write by the age of six.

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Ответы на вопрос:

a)is waiting

поторопись! все ждут тебя!

b)have you seen

я не знаю,где мой брат.вы видели его?

c)was listening

в то время кк я слушал радио, зазвонил телефон.

d)was lying

как только я услышал плач, я выбежал из комнаты и увидел, что ребёнок лежал на земле и плакал.

e)were running, were singing

когда я вчера пришл домой, дети бегали и весело пели.

f)had bought

катя дала мне книгу, которую она купила вчера.

g)hadn't done

учитель понял, что лена не сделала работу.

h)was wearing

странный человек вошёл в комнату.он был одет в красные брюки и розовую рубашку.

i)had left

я встал поздно тем утром, поэтому, когда я прибыл на вокзал, поезд уже ушёл.

j)will have learnt

если они пойдут в школу в 4 года, большинство детей научатся читать и писать к 6 .

Volleyball (english volleyball from volley — «to strike a ball since summer» (also translate as "flying", "soaring") and ball — "ball") — a sport, command sports game.in the course of game two commands compete on the special platform divided by a grid, aspiring to direct a ball on the party of the contender so that it has landed on a platform of the opponent (to finish to a floor) , or the player of a protected command has committed an error.thus for the organization of attack it is authorized to players of one command no more than three contacts of a ball successively (in addition to a contact on the block).the volleyball is not contact, combinational sport where each player has strict specialization on a platform.the major qualities for players in volleyball are a spring ability for possibility highly to rise over a grid, reaction, coordination, physical strength for effective product of attacking blows.there are the numerous variants of the volleyball which has branched off from a principal view: beach volleyball (the olympic kind since 1996) , minivolleyball, park volleyball (it is confirmed by congress fivb in november, 1998 in tokyo).

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