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Переводите на , но только правильно, за ранее. меня зовут исаак .я армянин, потому что мои родители армяне. у меня есть мама, и папа. маму зовут аревик ашотовна. а папу зовут саргис исаакович. папа каждое утро уходит на работу, а мама занимается делами. мы живем в городе новокузнецк. у нас в доме есть аквариум с рыбками, мы смотрим на них, и любуемся, кормим их и ухаживаем за ними. возле нашего дома есть площадка, мы с братом и другом часто там играем. у нас много родственников в армении, каждый год на каникулах мы уезжаем в армению, и с ними классно проводим время.

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Ответы на вопрос:

my name is isaac. i am armenian because my parents are armenians. i have a mother and father. mother name is arevik ashotovna. and tfahter's name is sargis isaakovich. every morning my father goes to his work , and mother is a housewife. we live in   novokuznetsk. we have an aquarium with fish in our house, we   admire the fish,   we feed them and take care of them. there is a playground near our house, my brother and a friend often play there. we have many relatives in armenia. every year we go to armenia on holidays and have a great time with them.

My name is isaac. i am armenian because my parents are armenian. i have a mother and father. mother name is arevik ashotovna. and the pope's name is sargis isaakovich. dad goes to work every morning, and mom does household chores. we live in the city of novokuznetsk. we have an aquarium with fish in our house, we look at them, and we admire, we feed them and look after them. there is a playground near our house, my brother and a friend often play there. we have many relatives in armenia, every year we go to armenia on holidays and have a great time with them.

1) practices
2) do you like
3) is taking off
4) does your mom drive
5) is limping
6) improves

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