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Переведите текст на язык мой день начинается в 10-11 утра. утром я убираюсь дома , завтракаю и еду на учебу. еду я чаще всего на автобусе , занимает у меня это 30 минут. нахожусь на учебе с 14: 00 до 19: 25. после учебы я иду на тренировку, тренируюсь до 21: 00. после я еду домой , дома нахожусь ближе к 22: 00 дома я готовлю кушать , делаю уроки , общаюсь с родными и близкими, иду в ванну и ложусь спать примерно в 2: 00 часа ночи.

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Ответы на вопрос:

my day starts at 10-11 am. in the morning i clean the house, have breakfast and go to study.

i usually travel by bus, it takes me 30 minutes.

i am at school from 14: 00 to 19: 25. after study i go to training, i train until 21: 00. after i go home, i am closer to 22: 00

at home, i cook to eat, do homework, communicate with family and friends, go to the bath and go to bed at about 2: 00 in the morning.

1) he's late,isn't he?

2)tim's got a lot of friends,hasn't he?

3)tom's parents are busy,aren't they?

4)his teacher went abroad,didn't he(she)?

5)you're busy,aren't you?

6)they won't visit their classmates,will they?

7)he'll take an exam tomorrow,won't he?

8)his sister works as a nurse,doesn't she?

9)let's play chess,shall we?

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