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Рассказ про исчезающй вид белого медведя .по яз.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The polar bear, the largest member of the predatory order, faces extinction. continued warming is leading to a rapid reduction in the area of the arctic ocean ice cover. and as a specialized predator, the polar bear from the ice only and can produce their main food source — seals. his victim he was lying in wait near a breathing hole, waiting for an opportune moment, kills the most powerful blow of his paw on the head and get on the ice. in addition, the bear can overtake seals when they for some reason get out on the ice. the disappearance of permanent ice cover and even just the retreat of its edge from the shelf, productive areas of the sea is a serious threat to the bear.

Тут надо не предложения а сказать сколько время на часах


7:30 half past 7 (Первая половина после семи)

1) Quarter (Одна четвертая) (15 минут)

2) Half (Половина) (30 минут)

3)Past (когда уже время)  Пример-It's half PAST 6 (ТО есть уже пол часа с того момента как стукнуло 6)

4) To (До) (Пример-it's quarter TO seven) Без 15 7

ЗАПОМНИТЕ- Если у вас на часах уже больше Час:30

Например- 12:45 пишем всегда TO так как уже осталось 15 минут до 13:00

Популярно: Английский язык