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Нужно: прочтите текст ниже. в тексте есть слова, которых не должно быть. запишите эти слова. diwali is an important indian festival. diwali is also known as like festival of lights. people in the india and nepal celebraite diwali to mark the end of the hindu calendar year. during diwali, people light lamps and pray for good health, peace and a wisdom. they clean their homes, and decorate their doorways with pictures made with painted rice, is called rangoli.children light fireworks and adults to buy new clothes and give gifts and sweets to their family and friends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

лишние слова:






С вопросительным

1 Am I listening to the radio now?

2 Are my parents working now?

3 Is my friend reading a book now?

4 Is it raining now?

с утвердительным

1 I am listening to the radio now.

2 My parents are working now.

3 My friend is reading a book now.

4 It is raining now.

с отрицательным

1 I'm not listening to the radio now.

2 My parents aren't working now.

3 My friend isn't reading a book now.

4 It isn't raining now.

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