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Переведите на язык пять человек , семь дней , девять ручек , десять ламп чудесный день хороший человек .моя ручка плохая пришлите мне ручку , встретить анну и пётра , , моя фамилия н.это мой галстук он хороший меня зовут бесс с артиклем an , a the

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the five people, the seven days, the nine pens, the ten lamps, a wonderful day, a good person(man). my pen is bad, please, send me a pen. to meet anna and peter. please. my surname is n. this is my tie, it's good. my name is bess.

Louis daniel armstrong - famous jazz musician, vocalist, composer, bandleader named in his honor. biography of louis amstrong, begins in new orleans, louisiana (usa), august 4, 1901. although louis had assured everyone that was born in america's independence day in the beginning of the century, he believed that his birthday july 4, 1900. this conviction had by all, even those close to him until that moment when, in the late 1980s found his birth certificate. what was this mystery, history is silent. whether his parents assured even as a kid, whether he wrote and believed in him.louis daniel was born in a very poor african-american neighborhood of new orleans. biography of louis amstrong is silent about his parents, he was beloved grandmother, who him and raised. their home was in a black area, storivillja, known for its clubs, bars, dance halls, and brothels. not in the most favorable place for the development of such a gifted child. louis with his grandmother lived very poorly, as if she didn't love him, she had to give louis a very small child to work. small amstrong, not yet aware of his great bright future day selling newspapers, and in the evening sang with three of his friends on the street. then older worked in the port and sold coal.musical biography of louis amstrong begins in 1913, when he received his first education in the camp boarding school for adolescent offenders jones home. destiny was the idea that he was there because it was shot from a pistol on new year's day. in jones home he plays in the orchestra cornet.after his release, he returned home quite technical musician, but again they had to earn his bread by hard work, and in the evenings he studied the art of jazz in new orleans musicians, where he become a real musician. in 1922, at the invitation of king oliver louis armstrong came to chicago, to build their first recordings. in 1923 armstrong met his wife, pianist lily harden. in 1925, they organized their own group hot five, then own orchestra louis armstrong and his stomperts, which he ruled.peak biography louis amstrong have, finally, 1920-ies. louis armstrong jazz star of the first magnitude. he's doing a tour of europe and north africa that brings him glory and foreign marriage dissolution in 1930-ies. then he again married, once married, and with lucille wilson his last wife he lived until the end of his days.in 1959 armstrong is experiencing a heart attack, but continues to play. the biography of louis amstrong ends in march 1971 on his last speech all stars in new york, july 6, 1971, he dies in new york. from heart failure, he had kidney failure.

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