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1. поставьте во множественное число: child – leaf – bear - candy – foot – class –box – man – ball- lady – wife – monkey – dish pencil - mouse – watch tooth – bike - wolf – woman – match - shelf – city – 2. поставьте предложения во множественное число: 1.this is a bike. 2.thai is a wolf. 3.this is a child. 4. that is a mouse. 5. this is a man.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Children leaves bears candies feet classes men balls ladies wives monkeys dishes pencils mice watches teeth bikes wolves shelves cities these are bikes these are wolves these are children these are mice these are men

1. the doctor said to me that i should rest for a week. 2. she says she will come on time. 3. he said that he was going to learn spanish. 4. i say the weather will be fine sooner or later. 5. he said that they  had been friends at school. 6. i asked my sister what she had bought as a birthday present. 7. my cousin said he could ski very well. 8. mother says to her son to go to the dentist. 9. he said that he was staying at rites' hotel then. 10. i always say he is a very clever man. 1^. she asked if her knowledge of french was good. 12. kate said that she had many pets at home. 13. jack said that he wanted to find a new job. 14. he says to everyone he has just heard this news. 15. he said that he had lived in moscow many years before. 16. the teacher asked who was present that day. 17. the police warn the people that they must be careful on the roads. 18. she said that it was a secret between us.

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