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Внастоящем простом времени вопросительных предложениях с местоимениями he, she, it окончание третьего лица единственного числа имеет только глагол

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Ответы на вопрос:

Does у he, she, it-does глагол у остальных по типу they, you, i, we- do

he is, she is, it is

1. If I were a bird, I would fly to the South.

2. If I had known about your problem, I would have helped you.

3. Mark comes tomorrow. If I see ihm tomorrow, I will tell him news.

4. If you had been there, youwould have met many interesting people.

5. I'm prepared for the test. If I write it well, I will get a good mark for this term.

6. If Ann finds your book, she will bring it to you.

7. If you listened, you would know many useful things.

8. If you forget your book, I will give you mine.

9. If I had a car, I would give you a lift.

10. I would have answered right if I hadn't missed the question.

11. It would be pleasant if I saw you again.

12. If he wins this game, I will be happy.

1. I would go to this concert if I weren't ill.

2. If you call me, I'll tell you everything.

3. I would have completed the task if my computer hadn't broken.

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