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Переведите, , текст на , не используя онлайн переводчики! мир природы в опасности! много видов рыб, рептилий, насекомых, птиц и млекопитающих под угрозой. они могут исчезнуть скоро навсегда, потому что человек убивает их или разрушает их среду обитания. как он это делает? люди вырубают много лесов, чтобы получить бумагу, построить дома и для многого другого. некоторые леса так сильно пострадали, что они навряд ли когда-нибудь востоновятся. для чего нам нужны леса? прежде всего, они производят много кислорода и нам здоровья. кроме того тропические леса южной америки, африки и азии контролировать погоду в мире. мы получаем много лекарств от растений. если мы разрушим эти леса, мы никогда не получим лечение. таким образом, если мы хотим жить, расти и быть здоровыми, мы должны думать о том, что вокруг нас.

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Ответы на вопрос:

the world of the nature is in danger! it is a lot of species of fish, reptiles, insects, birds and mammals under the threat. they can disappear soon forever because the person kills them or destroys their habitat. how does he do it? people fell trees much to receive paper, to build houses and for many other. some woods so strongly suffered that they hardly vostonovitsya sometime. for what do we need the woods? first of all, they produce a lot of oxygen and give us health. besides rainforests of south america, africa and asia helps to control weather in the world. we receive many drugs for plants. if we destroy these woods, we will never receive treatment. thus, if we want to live, to raise and be healthy, we have to think that around us.

The natural world is in danger! many species of fish, reptiles, insects, birds and mammals are under threat. they can disappear very soon forever, because a person kills them or destroys their habitat. how he does it? people cut down a lot of forests to get paper, build houses and for many other things. some forests have suffered so much that they are unlikely to ever be restored. why do we need forests? first of all, they produce a lot of oxygen and give us health. in addition, the tropical forests of south america, africa and asia help to control the weather in the world. we get a lot of medicine from plants. if we destroy these forests, we will never get treatment. thus, if we want to live, grow and be healthy, we must think about what is around us.

собственно, выборов тут куча. я возьму, к примеру, полицейского.   i want to be a policeman, because i am a person that would fight for justice. citizens' safety is also very important, i want to protect my family, my friends and other innocent people. intruders, burglars, murderers and other bad people must be stopped. people aren't guilty they were hurt by those awful ones, it's not their fault, so that's why i want to catch all criminals and punish them for their actions. all people must be safe and not scared that they can be killed or robbed by someone.   also, it's very pleasant when folks saved by you greet and thank you as their savior. it warms my heart. all my hard work will be thanked by people who live next to me in peace and quiet. all i want to see is happiness, smiles on other faces. i want to live in a peaceful future without criminality in it. and if i work as a policeman, i can try to build it. our new future.

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