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Перевести текст на . обычно я учусь на 4 и 5. по и я имею 5 и 4.я люблю решать примеры, и уравнения. биологию я не люблю потому что она скучная. я люблю. обячно мы учим стихи на изусть. по мы учим правила на изусть. я тоже люблю , потому что наша учительница рассказывает интересные вещи. мои любимые предметы это , физ-ру,черчение и . я люблю эти предметы, потому что они интересные. по всем предметам я имею 5 и 4. я люблю учиться.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iusually study at 4 and 5. i have 5 and 4 in algebra and geometry. i like to solve examples, problems and equations. i do not like biology because it is boring. i love literature. objectively, we teach poems to abound. in russian, we learn the rules for izust. i also love english, because our teacher tells interesting things. my favorite subjects are algebra, geometry, english, art, physical, py, and russian. i love these items because they are very interesting. in all subjects i have 5 and 4. i love to learn.

1. most people have to work hard, haven't they? yes, they have. 2. she has to dance in the morning, hasn't she? yes , she has.3. they have to travel by car, haven't they? yes, they have. 4. he has to write this composition, hasn't he? yes, he has. 5. the film wasn't very good, was it? no , it wasn't. 6. she will make her bed, woun't she? no she woun't. 7. you won't be late, will you? no, i won't 8. let's go to the party, shall we? yes, we shall.

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