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Переделайте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог: 1) the painting has been valued by an expert. 2) he likes being given presents. 3) the bill must be paid immediately. 4) hot water is provided by the hotel 24 hours a day.

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Ответы на вопрос:

из страдательного в действительный:

1) the painting has been valued by an expert. - an expert has valued the painting.

2) he likes being given presents. - he likes when people give him presents.

3) the bill must be paid immediately. - you must pay the bill immediately.

4) hot water is provided by the hotel 24 hours a day. - the hotel provides hot water 24 24 hours a day.

i've bought three skirts. one skirt is polka-dot, another one is checked and   other one is striped

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