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Какая эльза из холодного сердца по характеру ? сразу говорю- это не просто так , а для урока по языку

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Ответы на вопрос:

She is cold in nature, and outside, smart. but still her soul is covered with love and kindness.

умная, продуманная,серьезная

1. Write the sentence into the correct tense:

My little sister and I don't watch movies.

2. Rewrite the sentence into Past Simple Passive: The Chinese first used paper money over a thousand years ago → Paper money were first used by the Chinese over a thousand years ago.

3. When Kate opened the door, the children were dancing round the fir tree.

4. Past continuous:

Samuel El-Jackson studied art of acting and he was learning ways to play a role.

5. She wanted to eat a tasty cakes but her Mum and her sister were cooking another food

6. All castles around the forest were built for tourists.

Популярно: Английский язык