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Выбери правильный вариант: 1. … you like chocolate? a) do; b)does; c)are 2. what is … longest river in the world? a) a; b) -; c) the 3. it’s 5 o’clock in … morning? a) -; b) the; c) a 4. my mother … a bad headache. a) have got; b) am; c) has got 5. … you( like )swimming? a) are you like; b) do you like; c) does you like 6. we …a car, but we are going to buy it. a) don’t have; b) aren’t have; c) hasn’t 6. there isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it … cloudy in the morning. a) is; b) was; c) were 7. we (not/have) a holiday last year. a) didn’t have; b) haven’t had; c) don’t have 8. it’s late. i think i (take) a taxi. a) shall take; b) will take; c) am take 9. there … a cat under my bed. a) wasn’t ; b) weren’t; c)aren’t 10. how many flowers … in the vase? a) is there; b) are there; c) there is; d) there are 11. you are … who asks me this stupid question. a) fifth; b) the fifth; c)five 12. why are you sitting here? it is not your place, but … . a) her; b) she; c) hers 13. little jane doesn’t like … new dress. a) she; b) her; c) hers 14. my sister… three languages. a)cans speak; b) can speaks; c) can speak; d) cans speaks 15. … dog is that? a) who; b)why; c) whose 16. the book of my father. my … book. a) father’s; b) father; c)fathers’ 17. it isn't very cold today,…? a) is it b) isn’t it; c) it is 18. jack, are you listening to…? a) my; b) me; c) i 19. we don't need to go to school today,…? a) don’t we; b) do i; c) do we 20. emily often … to the disco. a) going; b) goes; c) go 21. charly chaplin … a famous actor. a) was; b) is; c) were 22. we can’t keep our dog in the hotel room, …? a) can we; b) can’t we; c) we can 23. my favourite colour is … red. do you like it? a) the; b) a; c) - ; 24. no news … good news. a) are; b) is; c)was 25. … are flowers of life. a) childrens; b) children; c) childs 26. could you introduce me to … new friends? a) you; b) your; c) yours 27. their flat is … than ours. a) more large; b) larger; c) the large 28. it is … to go for a walk, than to watch tv at home. a) good; b) the best; c) better 29. misha and sasha usually … dinner at 4 o'clock. a) having; b) have; c) has 30. tom plays football well, a) don’t you; b) doesn’t he; c) does tom 31. what time the film start? a) does; b) is; c) do 32. we need kilo of apples. a) a; b) any; c) some 33. i need money to go shopping. a) some; b) a; c) any 34. it wasn't very difficult, … ? a) wasn't it; b) isn't it; c) was it 35. she is tallest girl in the school. a) a; b) an; c) the; 36. do you like my new glasses? a) a; b) an; c) the; d) - 37. my green pencil … on the floor. a) are; b)am; c) is 38. укажите сказуемое, которое следует вставить: he to the cafe tomorrow. a) goes b) went c) shall go d) will go 39. укажите глагол, стоящий в past indefinite tense. a) takes b) lived c) have d) want 40. укажите глагол, который следует вставить: you translate this text next evening? a) will b) did c) do d) does 41. укажите сказуемое, которое следует вставить: she work at the factory? a) to do b) does c) do d) have 42. укажите предложение, содержащее правильный перевод : вы ходили в библиотеку? a) did you go to the library? b) will you go to the library? c) do you go to the library? d) have you ever been to the library? 43. укажите сказуемое, которое следует вставить: he to the college in the morning. a) to do b) went c) go d) goes 44. укажите предложение, содержащее правильный перевод : я учусь в колледже. a) i am studying at a college. b) i study at a college. c) i studied at a college. d) i will study at a college. 45. укажите сказуемое, которое следует вставить: they me to visit them yesterday. a) to ask b) ask c) asked d) as

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Ответы на вопрос:

1a 2c 3c 4c 5b 6a 7a 8b 9b 10c 11a 12b 13c 14b 15a 16a 17a 18b 19c 20b 21a 22c 23b 24a 25a 26b 27c 28b 29b 30b 31b 32c 33c 34b 35c 36b 37a 38a 39a 40d 41c 42c 43b 44a 45b

1.a2.c 3 b4c 5 b 6 a 6b7a 8 a

Кем была написана статья? её одежда была постирана и выглажена. я не был приглашён на вечеринку. работа не была завершена вовремя. этот дом был построен в прошлом году. письмо было отправлено только что. статья будет переведена.

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