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С, 49 ! 1.put the words in the correct order and make the sentences. 1)come/at/once/a/to/englishman/an/hotel/paris/stopped/and. 2)schools/lessons/in/the/forty-five/are/american/minutes. 3)roman/towns/other/appeared/round/castles. 4)car/and/we/put/unpack/the/up/sunshade/the. 2.choose the right answer. 1)my cousin and her since last christmas. a) have been married; b) have married ; c) were married. 2)he has all has money to me because he me. a) would trust ; b) trusted; c) had trusted. 3)i wish washed my clothes yesterday. a) have; b) had; c) would. 4)i saw the room. a) entering; b) enter; c) to enter. 3..choose the correct variant. 1) situated in vallery near the dnipro river. a)is b)are c)was 2)fishing was one of most important occupations of people there. a)a b)the c)an 3)the ukrainian architect the fontain. a)designed b)was designed c)is designed 4)we don't to see her again until next week. a)think b)wait c)expect

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. 1) once an englishman came to paris and stopped at a hotel

2) the lessons are forty-five minutes in american schools

3) roman castles appeared around other towns

4) we put up the sunshade and unpack the car

2. 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a

3.   1)a 2) b 3) a 4) c

1. 2) 2. 1) 3. 3) 4. 5) 5. 2) 6. 1) 7. 4) 8. 4)

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