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Да, 60 . перевод с на 1. почему ему не сообщили об ее отъезде? 2. где проходила конференция? 3. когда был построен этот дом? 4. сколько писем было получено вчера? 5. нас не пригласили на вечер. 6. мне не предложили билет на концерт. 7. кем была выполнена эта работа? 8. гостям показали лаборатории института. 9. этот вопрос обсуждался на нашем последнем собрании. 10. в каком журнале будет напечатана эта статья? 11. билеты ещё не заказаны. она сказала, что билеты будут заказаны через неделю. 12. где будет проводиться собрание? – мы ещё не решили. 13. интересно, какой фильм будет демонстрироваться завтра. 14. документы ещё не подписали. они будут подписаны завтра.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. why wasn't he informed of her departure? 2. where did the conference take place? 3. when was this house built? 4. how many letters were received yesterday? 5. we were not invited to the evening. 6. i was not offered a ticket to the concert. 7. who did this work? 8. guests were shown laboratories of the institute. 9. this issue was discussed at our last meeting. 10. in which journal will this article be printed? 11. tickets are not yet ordered. she said that tickets will be booked in a week. 12. where will the meeting be held? - we have not decided yet. 13. i wonder what movie will be shown tomorrow. 14. documents not yet signed. they will be signed tomorrow.

1. why wasn’t he informed about her departure? 2. where did the conference take place? 3. when was this house built? 4. how many letters were received yesterday? 5. we were not invited to the evening. 6. i was not offered a ticket to the concert. 7. who did this work? 8. guests were shown laboratories of the institute. 9. this issue was discussed at our last meeting. 10. in which journal will this article be printed? 11. tickets are not yet ordered. she said that tickets will be booked in a week. 12. where will the meeting be held? - we have not decided yet. 13. i wonder what movie will be shown tomorrow. 14. documents not yet signed. they will be signed tomorrow.

Itook english courses in present during training for my job.

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