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Essay на тему друзья имеют больше влияния на подростка, чем родители 200-250 слов на

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to start with the fact that the discussion is really urgent and important. nowadays teenagers grow up very quickly under the influence of a large number of information as beneficial and harmful. they want to be independent not only in their clothing and in the choice of friends but also in other aspects of life. at this point, the opinion of their friends is  more important for them than the opinion of their parents. 

first, teenagers spend much more time with their peers than with their parents and they want to assert themselves, to be independent, or at least to seem so. secondly, the conflict of generations has always been and always will be. it is a natural phenomenon, but most parents behave incorrectly. they do not want to understand that children grow up and they may have their own point of view. permanent conflicts at home are the reason that teenagers go to the friends who understand them better than parents. 

on the other hand, of course, it's wrong. the most important people in our fate are our parents. they will never betray and won't hurt you, even if they not always accept your point of view. 

in conclusion, i would like to say that adults need to be smarter and more delicate than their children. a compromise is needed. and most importantly, parents have to trust their children and don't care of them stupidly, then they will see that parents are their friends not   enemies. i believe that family is the main thing in our life. that's why parents must learn how to manage any situation, and the child will respond with love and understanding.


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