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Написать предложения в пасиве a rewrite the sentences in the passive 1 somebody built the pyramids 3,000 years ago. 2 the people of france gave the statue of liberty to america in 1876. 3 samuel pepys described the 1665 great fire of london in his diary. 4 a person in the eighteenth century made this chair. 5 some people in turkey made this shirt. 6 dr christian barnard did the first heart transplant operation. 7 i've won £23,000 in the state lottery 8 one uses durum wheat to make spaghetti.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the pyramids were built 3,000 years ago. 2. the statue of liberty was given to america in 1876 by the people of france. 3. the 1665 great fire of london was described by samuel pepys in his diary. 4. this chair was made in the eighteenth century. 5. this shirt was made in turkey. 6. the first heart transplant operation was done by dr christian barnard. 7. £23,000 were won in the state lottery by me. 8. durum wheat is used to make spaghetti.

1) one hundred 

2) two hundreds fifty three 

3)nineteen forty eight

4) one hundred three 

rome was found by twins, a school will be finished in 2 years, tea is drunk every day by me. window will be washed by lena. the panthenon is visited every day by tourists. the twins were found by a shepherd. the sums are done at the maths lessons by us. an ice-cream will be bought for my by my mom. a radio was invented by popov. 

3) what did you see in the forest? did a wolf find brothers?   in what year was invented the phone? will the best be checking by tomorrow?


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