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Текс буквами,например кепител енд и.т.д. ответить на вопросы к тексту,а сам текст написать буквами ,но по (с транскрипцией)london is the capital of great britain,its political,economic and cultural centre.it is one of the largest cities in the world.london is situated on the river thames.the city is very old and beautiful.london has3 parts: the city,the west end and the east end.the city is the oldest part of london,its financial and business centre. the west end is the most beautiful part of london. there are many factories and the port of london there. london has many places of interest. they are: houses of parliament, big ben,trafalgar square and the british museum. 1.what is the capital of great britain? 2.how parts does it have? 3.what is the most beautiful part of london? 4.what places of interest do you know?

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лондон из зе кепитал оф грейт бритн, итс политикал, енономик енд келчурал сента. ит ис ван оф зе ладжест ситис ин зе ворлд. лондон из ситьюэйтид он зе рива темз. зе сити из вери олд енд бьютифул. лондон хез патс: зе сити, зе вест енд енд ист енд. зе сити из зе олдест пат оф лондон, итс файненшиал енд бизинесс сента. зе вест енд из из зе мост бьютифул пат оф лондон зеа. лондон хез мени плейсис оф интерест. зей а: хаусис оф палемент, биг бен, трефелга сквеа енд зе бритиш мьюзиам.

1. the capital of great britain is london/

2. it have three parts.

3. the most beautiful part of london is the city

4. big ben, trafalgar square, houses of parlament and the british museum

лондон ис дэ кэпитал оф грэйт британ, итс политикал, энд культурал сэнтрэ. ит ис ван оф дэ ларджест ситис ин зе ворлд. лондон ис ситуэйтэд он зе ривер тэймс. зэ сить ис вэри олд энд бьютифул. лондон хэс фри партс: зе сити, зе вест энд энд зе ист энд. зэ сити из зе олдест парт оф лондон итс финансиал энд бизнес центре. зэ вэст энд ис зе мост бютифул парт оф лондон. зере ар мани факторис энд зе порт оф лондон зере. лондон хэс мэни плэйсес оф интерест. зей аре хоусес оф парламент, биг бен, трафалгар скуэр энд зе бритиш музиум.

Today is thursday, and john has been late twice this week; he was late yesterday and on monday. i first met george a month ago, and i have met himseveral times since then. it is october now, and we have done a lot of work this year; we did a lot last year too. she bought a coat last winter, but she hasn't bought a new dress since 2008. it's only the middle of the month, and he has already spent most of his salary; he spent $60 yesterday. i broke my leg in 1991, but i have never broken my arm. he's over sixty, and he's still working. he has been working hard all his life. when he was a young man, he sometimes worked all night. the postman came at eight yesterday, but it's now half past eight and he hasn't come yet. today is may 25th. ted hasn't been absent this month. he felt extremely ill when he went to hospital, but he's felt much better since he came out of hospital a month ago.

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