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Укажите правильно ли употреблен инфинитив в предложении (правильно/неправильно). 1. she was too small to remember the incident. 2. he is the person speak to on this question. 3. it is important for him to receive the information today. 4. here is the money to spend on the furniture. 5. they are very pleased to be invited to the conference. 6. you will to be the first to speak. 7. this mistake must to be paid particular attention to. 8. you'd better to stay at home. 9. it's great of him to do his best to save them. 10. he did not know what to do next and who to make the request to. 11. he was the last to guess her intentions. 12. і prefer to have a holiday somewhere by the sea rather than to stay in the country.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she was too small to remember the incident.   correct

2. he is the person   to speak to on this question.   not correct

3. it is important for him to receive the information today.   correct

4. here is the money to spend on the furniture.   correct

5. they are very pleased to be invited to the conference.   correct

6. you will be the first to speak. not correct

7. this mistake must be paid particular attention to.   not correct

8. you'd better to stay at home.   correct

9. it's great of him to do his best to save them.   correct

10. he did not know what to do next and who to make the request to.   correct

11. he was the last to guess her intentions.   correct

12. і prefer to have a holiday somewhere by the sea rather than   stay in the country. not correct

Яхочу вам рассказать удивительную . этот человек стал инвалидом , врачи ему говорили , что он не сможет ходить . но он начал почти ходить . со временем он опустил руки и состояние его начало ухудшаться . но ему , он поверил в себя . он начал ходить , это чудо . он поверил в себя и стал жизнерадостным человеком .

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