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Agil: hello. may ask you some questions about school education in japan? fidan: sure agil: i've heard education is extremely important in japan. fidan: you're right! because if you do well in school, you'll be able to get a good job. and if you are lucky you'll keep your job all your life. agil: really? i see. at what age do children start school? and what subjects are taught? fidan: from the age of 6 to the age of 15 school is compulsory. so it,s free of charge. different subjects are chosen and taught. agil: do students have to take very difficult exams to enter a school? is it because parents try to choose a school with the best curriculum? fidan: nо. curriculum is the same in all schools. however there is a high competition to attend prestigious schools. that's why most young students study hard to prepare for the entrance exams. agil: do many school graduate continue their studies at universities? fidan: oh,yes. more than 70% of school graduates go to colleges and universities. agil: and what about leisure activities? fidan: they are involved in sports, reading and watching tv. but schoolwork and other studies remain the main thing of the daily lives of most children.

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Если перевод, то вот: агиль: . может задать несколько вопросов о школьном образовании в японии? фидан: конечно agil: я слышал, что образование чрезвычайно важно в японии. фидан: ты прав! потому что, если вы хорошо учитесь в школе, вы сможете получить хорошую работу. и если вам повезет, вы оставите свою работу всю жизнь. агил: правда? понимаю. в каком возрасте дети начинают школу? и какие предметы ? фидан: с 6 лет до 15 лет школа является обязательной. так что это бесплатно. выбираются и разные предметы. агил: студенты должны пройти сложные экзамены, чтобы поступить в школу? это потому, что родители пытаются выбрать школу с лучшей учебной программой? фидан: нет. учебная программа одинакова во всех школах. однако в престижных школах существует высокая конкуренция. вот почему большинство молодых студентов учатся готовиться к вступительным экзаменам. agil: многие выпускники школ продолжают учебу в университетах? фидан: о, да. более 70% выпускников школ поступают в колледжи и университеты. агил: а как насчет досуга? фидан: они занимаются спортом, чтением и просмотром телевизора. но школьная работа и другие исследования остаются основной частью повседневной жизни большинства детей.

City of my dreams - a city where its citizens given the choice: in a school act, which is easier to work out what is best hospital for treatment city of my dreams - a city known throughout the world not only for its industry, but also people, glorify him. city, where there is no crime, moral degradation and ignorance. "do not turn the globe, you will not find on earth," this city is not found. it's just a fantastic picture, which bring to life almost impossible, "perhaps maybe needed desire, hard work and belief in success and then everything will turn out! of course, now lugansk - this is not the ideal city. he, with his rich long history, has become a city, the streets of which appeared so many "traders" and the poor. on such a future for him dreaming of our famous countrymen - v.dal, k.voroshilov, a.holodilin, v. shevchenko, v.gaevoy? all of them have given their best years to the prosperity of lugansk. who in this world "purchase and sale" very difficult "to get" people, true patriots, eager for a better life for our city. many people nowadays do not even notice what has become their home lugansk - the city in which their ancestors, they live and will live their children lived. what kind of future we will leave to our descendants? polurazorenny city with a high crime rate and low national and cultural identity. but we live in hh1 century, the third millennium, marked the beginning of an era of world progress and high culture. in order to leave a worthy legacy to our children, we must seek to address economic, social and environmental problems of the city, thereby improving its demographic situation. of course, the city can not dream to live by the dictates of a magic wand, it is necessary to try to create their own hands. and trying, perhaps, we will achieve the cherished goal - to build the city of our dreams.

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