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Dear steve, i was very glad to hear from you again. i haven't written for ages because of my school activities. in your letter you ask me to tell you about my favorite kind of sports. with a pleasure. i like many kinds of sports but best of all i like football. it's the game of my dream. i play for my school football club "shkolnik". we are good players and we win almost every competitions. besides it i'm a football fan and i like to watch every match on tv or in the stadium. and what about you? tell me about your favorite kind of sports. that's for me today. i have to go. best regards to your family.write soon. andrey   дорогой стив,   я был рад получить от тебя весточку. я не писал целую вечность из-за занятости в школе.   в своем письме ты просишь меня рассказать   о моем любимом виде спорта. с удовольствием. мне нравятся многие виды спорта, но больше всего я люблю футбол. это игра моей мечты. я играю за   мой школьный футбольный клуб "школьник". мы хорошие игроки, и мы выигрываем почти все соревнования. кроме того, я футбольный болельщик, и мне нравится смотреть каждый матч по телевизору или на стадионе. а как насчет тебя? расскажи мне о своих любимых видах спорта. это все на сегодня. мне нужно идти.   передай своей семье. пиши как можно быстрее   андрей

In my future i want to become a doctor. namely, the cardiologist. i really like this profession and it attracts me. also my choice was influenced by the fact that my mother also works in the medical field and since childhood i saw that this is not a bad profession, but rather wonderful. it is the cardiologist i decided to be terribly afraid because of the blood and, therefore, the profession of a surgeon is eliminated. me in horror lead the activity, and open wounds. also, later when i'm older, going to study, i can help many people who have heart problems, but they are very serious and require treatment and care.

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