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98 , ..: task 1. put the verb into the correct form. use either the present simple or the present continuous. 1 please turn off the radio. i (study). 2 how many languages (you speak)? 3 george says he got all the questions right, but i (not/believe) him. 4 hurry! the movie is starting. i (not/want) to miss it. 5 you can borrow my bicycle. i (not/need) it at the moment. 6 i am glad we invited grandpa to the birthday party. he (really enjoy) himself. task 2.complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verb in brackets. 1 (you come) to the party tonight? 2 megan (write) a composition for her class tomorrow. 3 robert (play) guitar in a rock band every weekend. 4 (you think) real madrid will win the championship this year? 5 matt can’t come to the phone right now. he (work) in the garden at the moment. task 3. choose the correct answer. michael: hi, janet. what 1) do you work / are you working on? janet: i 2) paint/ am painting a picture for my art class. michael: it looks very pretty. 3) do you paint / are you painting often? janet: no not really. 4) but i am enjoying / enjoy it now. michael: well i think it looks great! 5) you should consider / considering doing it more often. janet: thanks. i 6) think / am thinking of taking another art class next year too. task 4.choose the correct answer. 1 stop telling everyone what to do. you’re too a arrogant b bossy 2 i try not to be and criticise other people. a energetic b arrogant 3 he thinks he is the best at maths. he’s very a big-headed b efficient 4 they always think of the hard way of doing things. they aren’t at all! a efficient b bossy 5 it is a good idea for people to take up a sport. a moody b energetic 6 people think they are better than everyone else. a arrogant b cheerful

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Ответы на вопрос:

task 1.

1. i`m studind

2. do you speak?

3. don`t believe him.

4. don`t want to miss it.

5. i`m not needing it at the moment.

6. he really enjoys himself.

task 2.

1. are you

2. is

3. plays..

4. do you

5. he is

task 3

1) are you working

2) am painting

3) do you paint

4) i am enjoying

5) consider


task 4

1. (a) arrogant

2. (b)

3. (a)

4. (a)

5. (b)

6. (a)

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