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Составить вопрос и дать краткий ответ 1 they are doctors 2 sveta is a teachers 3 max reads books 4 we read 5 oleg was a doctor 6 they were papils 7 masha played computer 8 he went to london

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Ответы на вопрос:

write gf, ts or cp by the sentences.

gf = the great fire of london

ts = the teacher’s secret

cp = changing places

1 there was a great fire in london

in 1666.

2 the six stories in the book are folk tales

from round the world.

3 this is a story about two men,

hal and tim.

4 hal’s life is exciting. tim’s life

isn’t exciting.

5 the fire destroyed more than

13,000 houses.

6 the men change places, but it isn’t

a good idea.

7 this is the story of the fire.

8 the people in the stories want to be clever,

but sometimes they aren’t.

Блузка, юбка, высокие каблуки, кепка, футболка, шорты, носки, кроссовки, шарф, перчатки, куртка, брюки, ботинки, рубашка, связывают, покрывают, зонтик, обувь, плащ, джемпер, костюм, платье, сумка. | blaʊz | skɜːt | haɪ hiːlz | kæp | ˈtiː ʃɜːt | ʃɔːts | ˈsɒks | ˈtreɪnəz | skɑːf | ɡlʌvz | ˈdʒækɪt | ˈtraʊzəz | buːts | ʃɜːt | taɪ | ˈkəʊt | ʌmˈbrelə | ʃuːz | ˈreɪnkəʊt | ˈdʒʌmpə | suːt | dres | bæɡ |

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