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Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы. 1. is he peeling the potatoes? - yes, . 2. are they walking in the park? - no, . 3. are you watching tv? - yes, . 4. is martin washing the car? - no, . 5. are jane and molly cleaning their rooms? - yes, . 6. is the washing - machine working? - no, . 7. are you reading a magazine? - no, . 8. is victor writing a report? - yes, . 9. is ann typing a document? - no, . 10. is the sun shining? - yes, .

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. is he peeling the potatoes? - yes, he is.

2. are they walking in the park? - no, they aren't.

3. are you watching tv? - yes, i am.

4. is martin washing the car? - no, he isn't.

5. are jane and molly cleaning their rooms? - yes, they are.

6. is the washing - machine working? - no, it isn't.

7. are you reading a magazine? - no, i'm not.

8. is victor writing a report? - yes, he is.

9. is ann typing a document? - no, she isn't.

10. is the sun shining? - yes, it is.


today’s almaty is the kazakhstan's largest metropolis, scientific and educational, cultural and historical, economic and financial, banking and industrial center of the country.

almaty is located in the south-east of kazakhstan, at the foot of the northern of tien shan ridge - zaili alatau. the urban territory of almaty, the home-town of the famous variety of apples “almaty aport“ has more than eight thousand hectares occupied by gardens and parks, squares and boulevards. ile-alatau national park, whose territory includes nature reserve and wildlife sanctuary, begins right in the almaty vicinity.


перевод-сегодняшний алматы является крупнейшим мегаполисом казахстана, научно-образовательным, культурно-, и финансовым, банковским и промышленным центром страны.

алматы расположен на юго-востоке казахстана, у подножия северного хребта тянь-шаня - заилийского алатау. городская территория алматы, родного города известного сорта яблок «алматинский апорт», насчитывает более восьми тысяч гектаров, занятых и парками, скверами и бульварами. иле-алатауский национальный парк, на территории которого находится природный заповедник и заповедник, начинается прямо в окрестностях алматы.

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