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Нужно составить предложения на ,в past или present simple,используя глагол to be. я студентка. он скульптор. она художник. мы иллюстраторы. вы дизайнеры. ты студент. они ученики. я дома. он в колледже. она в мастерской? мы в спортзале. они в театре? ей восемнадцать. он ленивый. она не в студии? они из спортивного колледжа. она ужасно сонная. вы больны? у него все в порядке? я не ленивый.

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Ответы на вопрос:

i am a student.

he's a sculptor.

she is an artist.

we are illustrators.

you are designers.

you are a student.

they are pupils.

i'm at home.

he's at college.

is she in the workshop?

we're in the gym.

are they in the theater?

she's eighteen.

he is lazy.

isn't she in the studio?

they are from a sports college.

she's awfully sleepy.

are you ill?

is he ok?

i'm not lazy.

He will have been here for two hours by the time you come back. 2.”it is very late.” – “they will be back soon.”3. “there are no planes tonight.” – “never mind, i will go by train.” 4. will you be angry if i talk to you about it? 5. by the time you finish cooking they will have done their work. 6. “i am afraid, my train will have left by that time.” – “don't worry,i will drive you home.”7. i hope it will have stopped snowing by tomorrow morning. 8.if you think it is over you will see i am right. 9. if you do not take a taxi, you will be late. by the time you get to the theatre the first act will have been over and you will miss the most interesting dialogues.

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